Sunday Service
Queens Road church is a small family church drawn together by our love of God and each other.
We long and strive to love God, serve one another and share the hope of Jesus.
On a Sunday we gather at 10:30am at the church building to remind one another of the good news of the Gospel.
We believe that the bible is clear in instructing us to come together to listen to the word of God; being read, preached and shared in fellowship. We also believe the word of God should be responded to - not only in prayer and praise, but with our lives; motivated by God's gracious love to go out into our communities and workplaces to share and live out these truths daily.
What to expect....
We are blessed to have a few musicians who lead us in singing a mixture of modern and traditional hymns that point us to worship God. The Sermons usually last between 20-30 mins.
After the last hymn at around 12:00 we have refreshments where we encourage all to stay and have a time of fellowship; we see this as an integral part of the service as we share our lives with each other through encouragement, friendship and prayer.
There is always a warm welcome to children of all ages. During the service there is an engaging and simple talk for children to understand.
During the school term times there is children's work provided for children aged up to year 6 to help them to learn more about God's great love. Children of secondary age are encouraged to join with their parents/carers in the main meeting and we offer them a youth bible study on alternate Sunday evenings .
During the holidays we encourage all the children to stay in the main service; these services aim to be a little shorter and tasks are made available on the tables at the back of the church to support their understanding of the message for that week.
There are always facilities for parents to make use of a creche at the back of the church if they wish to do so. We want parents/carers to feel comfortable, included and empowered to support and teach their children and be part of the church family.
Communion is usually on the first Sunday of every month, this is where those that have put their trust in Jesus eat bread and drink wine to remember the death of Christ and how his blood cleanses us from sin. These communion services are often followed by a bring and share lunch.
We look forward to seeing you. If you do have any questions at all please don't hesitate to get in touch .